Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Eye care tips

Fast Facts

• According to the Tips for Healthy Eyes published by Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation on its website (2005), “Spending a lot of time at your computer may cause eye strain and dry eye, although it won't damage your eyes.” • The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend television for children under two years of age, while they recommend no longer than one or two hours per day of quality television time for older children. However, there is no mention about computer usage for children.

  • Sit about 20 inches from the monitor, with top of the screen at or below your eye level.
  • Adjust your monitor's control for contrast and brightness according to a comfortable level for your eyes.
  • Use an adjustable chair and sit upright.
  • To eliminate reflections or glare, adjust the lighting around your computer or use an anti-glare screen to fit onto your computer screen.

    *The above Eye-care Tips are extracted and summarised from an article titled Tips for Healthy Eyes by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation's website (2005)


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